Planuri invatamant Licenta arta sacra 24-27
Planuri invatamant Licenta Asistenta sociala 24-27
Planuri invatamant Licenta CHISINAU Pastorala 24-28
Planuri invatamant Licenta IASI Pastorala 24-28
Planuri invatamant master 24-26
Planuri de invatamant Master ARTA SACRA 2021-2023
Planuri de invatamant Master COMUNICARE 2021-2023
Planuri de invatamant Master FAMILIA CRESTINA 2021-2023
Planuri de invatamant Master MISIUNE SI SLUJIRE 2021-2023
Planuri de invatamant Master TPFR 2021-2023
Planuri – TO Pastorala 2021-2025
Planuri – TO Asistenta sociala 2021-2024
Planuri – TO Arta sacra 2021-2024